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VirtualR - Sim Racing News

Endurance Series SP1 – Audi R10 TDI Previews

Posted: 09 May 2010 11:28 AM PDT

Team Enduracers have released a big batch of a major addition to their Endurance Series mod that will be released as part of Service Pack 1 – The Audi R10 TDI. Successor to the Audi R8, the R10 TDI was Audi’s first-ever Diesel-powered Le Mans Prototype. The car proved to be a big success right from [...]

F1 1990 – Jerez & Life Previews

Posted: 09 May 2010 11:18 AM PDT

Team SRM has released a batch of new previews of their Formula One 1990 mod project for rFactor, showing us shots of Alain Prost’s Ferrari at Jerez and more of the legendary Life F190. Life's F190 will go down in history as one of the most unsuccessful cars in Formula One history. The small Italian car [...]
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