VirtualR - Sim Racing News

VirtualR - Sim Racing News

F1 2010 – PC Version Minimum Specs Announced

Posted: 04 Aug 2010 09:32 AM PDT

Codemasters has revealed the minimum specs required to run their upcoming Formula One 2010 title on Windows PCs. Recommended specs have not been announced yet. Since the title features lots of spectacular graphic effects especially in rainy conditions, sim racers should expect the recommended specs to be more demanding, especially for higher resolutions. - Windows XP/Vista/7 - [...]

Colin McRae DiRT 3 – First Details Revealed

Posted: 04 Aug 2010 09:18 AM PDT

Three days ago, Codemasters released a first video trailer of their upcoming Colin McRae DiRT 3 title that is scheduled to be released in 2011 for the PC, Xbox 360 and Playstation 3. Codemasters’ own Helios confirmed right here on VirtualR that the third part of the DiRT franchise will be offering much more traditional-style [...]

F1 1992 by F1-S-R – More Previews

Posted: 04 Aug 2010 08:24 AM PDT

F1-S-R has released more preview material of their upcoming Formula One 1992 mod for rFactor, showing off various cars both from the inside and outside. The team will be co-operating with Team SRM who have recently released their Formula One 1990 mod for rFactor and will be helping out with the physics of the historical version [...] – Lower Subscription Prices & Promo Codes

Posted: 04 Aug 2010 08:13 AM PDT

Back in October 2009, iRacing first announced a significant price drop, cutting both the prices for subscriptions and content items up to 37%. Now, a new price drop has taken effect as the price for a monthly iRacing subscription has been lowered to $12 (was $14) while the price of a three-month subscription is now [...] – Downtime

Posted: 03 Aug 2010 02:17 PM PDT

If you follow one of the many download links on VirtualR, chances are you´re directed to, one of sim racings biggest file repositories. Those of you trying to access NoGrip in the past 24h will most likely have gotten not much more than a blank page as the site is currently experiencing server issues. Veloce of [...]

BPR Global GT Series 1.1 – Released

Posted: 03 Aug 2010 02:15 PM PDT

wildman_fr has released a new version of his recently released BPR Global GT Series mod for GTR2, adding the Jaguar XJ 220 as well as some new skins and fixes to the mod. The mod includes cars from three seasons of BPR GT racing in three classes, including famous race cars like the Mclaren F1 GTR [...]
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