VirtualR - Sim Racing News

VirtualR - Sim Racing News

Hungaroring 2010 – Released

Posted: 08 Aug 2010 11:56 AM PDT

mrk37 & VRG have released the 2010 version of the Hungaroring for rFactor, bringing the current version of the Hungarian Grand Prix to the simulation. Based on 6e66o’s & LMT’s 2009 version, the track comes with 2010 adboards and pit stalls as well as other features listed below. Features: - 2010 adverts and sponsor - 2010 box with new [...]

Amazing Robot Arm Motion Simulator – Video

Posted: 08 Aug 2010 11:29 AM PDT

I´ve already showcased all kind of motion simulators and platforms on here but this one blows them all out of the water – The CyberMotion Simulator. Built by the German Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, the simulator uses a six-axis Kuka KR 500 heavy-duty industrial robot arm to simulate forces up to 2 Gs. The half-ton [...]

World Rally Championship – Game Modes Revealed

Posted: 08 Aug 2010 10:47 AM PDT

Black Bean Studios have revealed the game modes of their upcoming World Rally Championship title for the PC, Playstation 3 and Xbox 360. In single-player mode, drivers have the choice to either contest single stages or a single rally, the core of the single-player functionality is the Road to the WRC mode though. This non-linear [...]

F1 1992 by F1-S-R – Upgrades Preview Video

Posted: 08 Aug 2010 10:12 AM PDT

F1-S-R have released a new preview video of their upcoming Formula One 1992 mod for rFactor, showing the mod’s upgrade options in the showroom. The team’s mod will not just include the full field of the 1992 season but also include plenty of upgrade options for the cars, including race-specific liveries and chassis changes over the [...]

Montreal 1988 1.0 – Released

Posted: 08 Aug 2010 10:05 AM PDT

Back in 2008, carrera4 released his Formula One 1988 mod and a bunch of matching tracks for rFactor. Now, he’s back and brings us a brand new track from the 1988 Formula One season – Montreal. Located on the man-made Île Notre-Dame that is part of the city of Montreal, the Circuit Gilles Villeneuve is a [...]

Gran Turismo 5 – NASCAR Damage Video

Posted: 08 Aug 2010 09:49 AM PDT

We´ve seen quite a bunch of videos showcasing Gran Turismo 5’s damage model but none involving the NASCAR Sprint Cup cars yet. This changes now as the video below gives us a first impression on how damage on the NASCAR cars will look. A few months ago, Kazunori Yamauchi promised that the NASCAR cars could be [...]
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