The True Football Manager

The True Football Manager

Northern Ireland, Euro 2016

Posted: 04 Oct 2010 10:29 PM PDT

Now it's time for the story about Northern Ireland in Euro 2016. As you remember I managed to overtake Denmark in qualification group and win very rival playoff against Ireland. If you want to read the post about it follow this link:

Talks before Euro 2016

There were a lot of talks before European championship. Northern Ireland has been considered the weakest team by bookmakers:

Euro 2016 odds

My team's captain Chris Baird warned football community to not be so sure that Northern Ireland is not able to compete at the tournament:

Baird warns football community, FM 2010

I didn't want to agree but unfortunately these talks proved to be correct in the end…


Group matches

Ukraine – Northern Ireland

Ukraine - Northern Ireland 1:1

The first game was against my native Ukraine. They had an absolute advantage during the whole match letting Martin Paterson to shoot once during the last minutes. It turned into a beautiful goal in an upper corner. I felt lucky myself after that.


Northern Ireland - Russia

Northern Ireland - Russia 0:1

Strong Russian team ceased on keeper's mistake scoring that only goal. My guys showed better performance than in the first match but poor goalkeeper (there are no good goalies in Northern Ireland in 2016) destroyed all our hopes on a draw.


Czech Republic – Northern Ireland

Czech Republic - Northern Ireland 2:0

We had chances to pass through to the next round. Therefore I was intending to struggle against the most powerful team in the group as much as possible. High closing down and hard tackling allowed us to hope on a draw at least. But then Czech class beat Irish order. We were not able to make Peter Cech conceding a goal.


Euro 2016 results

Northern Irish FA, FM 2010

Of course Northern Irish Football Association is satisfied by the result. Seems like they didn't expect a miracle from us. Actually if my team passed to quarterfinals it would be a real miracle because Russia, Ukraine and Czech Republic had much stronger squads than Northern Ireland.


Euro 2016 Champion

France won Euro 2016 in a very confident way.

France - Holland 3:0, final of Euro 2016

They were truly fantastic! Just look at these victories:

Matches of France in Euro 2016

Two best goal scorers among French guys, both regens (Andreani is Tottenham player now):

Best goal scorers in Euro 2016, FM 2010

Most quantity of assists made by Flamini and Achour:

Best assisters in Euro 2016

The best player of the tournament was Ramzi Achour:

Average rating in Euro 2016

Ramzi Achour

Ramzi Achour, regen player of France

I started to want to buy this guy!!! And it seems quite possible to do this because Achour is Bordeaux player at the moment.

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