Balance Board Blog

Balance Board Blog

New U Fitness First Yoga and Pilates Wii Trailer Video

Posted: 14 Dec 2010 11:45 AM PST

New U Fitness First Yoga and Pilates Wii Trailer Video:

Night of the Sacrifice Wii Balance Board Screenshots

Posted: 14 Dec 2010 04:25 AM PST

Marvelous has teased us with more of Night of the Sacrifice for Wii, its Wii Balance Board-compatible horror title.

Night of the Sacrifice is set in Tsukuyomi Ravine, where people used to make sacrifices to the Gods.

The story sees five kids at a haunted mansion there, where they hear a young girl calling for help. This unleashes a curse which leads to their death, and gives you the responsibility of investigating the spooky goings ons.

Gamers use the Wii remote as a flashlight in order to explore the building, and the game will be split into episodes shared out between four playable characters.

As for how the Wii Balance Board is used? No clues yet, but we'll keep you posted.

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