The True Football Manager

The True Football Manager

The sad end. I got sacked

Posted: 08 Dec 2010 10:38 PM PST

Dear readers… I am going to shock you because I am already shocked! Deportivo story came to the end just right after the first half of the season… Печальная рожицаПечальная рожицаПечальная рожица


Yes, they sacked me. And it's absolutely fair. Though without me Deportivo went even deeper to the relegation zone:


I'll repeat my self – it was fair to sack me because I had been too risky with my club wages, tactics and experiments with player morale…

Remember my description of the first Deportivo matches? I decided to change the 5-3-2 tactics we were playing more or less stably into 4-2-2-2:


That was my main mistake. The new tactical approach turned into a failureОзадаченная рожица I can't say my team played poorly because our attacks were good until the last stage when forwards missed their chances one by one. As a result I'm in sorrow after these matches:



Deportivo players

Don't want to comment much my former players. Few of them are mentioned in My mistakes paragraph below.




Transfers I will miss

These guys were signed on free during the winter transfer window. They would come to Deportivo in summer…


Especially I was proud of Juan Angel Albin signing. Excellent attacking midfielder as for me:



My mistakes

One of the most interesting things in Football Manager is an analysis of results and events. Now I would like to introspect myself singling out my biggest mistakes during Deportivo management:

- Tactics change

I shouldn't do it being at the 13th position because the board was already slightly disappointed. My self-confidence is a shortage, of course. This is the lesson I learned.

- Valeron's captancy change

Another my stupid decision was made during backroom advices session. Assistant manager proposed to make Aranzubia captain instead of Valeron. I though: "Great idea! Valeron doesn't play at all because of weak physics"… As a result I got the half of squad of unhappy players with 'Very Poor' morale thinking that I am changing captains too quickly Печальная рожица I merely forgot about possibility of such side effect.

- Morale experiments

After that I tried to increase morale by means of private chats. Only 30% of my attempts were successful. My squad got into real morale pit. You saw it in the screen shots above.

- Unexpectedly poor performance from attackers

Riki and Lassad were unable to score during the last 10 matches failing so many goal chances… But I believed in them. Vain hopes…


What should I do now?

Finally I am really upsetПлачущая рожица  But life continues. And now I want to play Football Manager 2011 even more! The first impulse was making a poll where I would give you the following cases:

- Continue playing Deportivo story and find a new club (it would be some low level club)

- Start a new game in the Conference

- Start a new game in the Premier League

- Start a new game in the Championship

But I remembered the first poll where you had selected a league for me and decided to take the 2nd result starting a new game in Football Manager 2011:


A lot of you wanted me to manage an English team from the Conference. So I think you will be glad to see the new Conference poll at the right side of the blog.


- You have only 2 days to make a vote! Poll will finish in Saturday's morning (9:00 by Ukrainian time GMT+2).

- Votes in comments are not accepted.  Just use poll in the right side (right column in the blog, below 'Pre-Order FM 2011' section).

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