The True Football Manager

The True Football Manager

FM Crowd Reloaded

Posted: 19 Dec 2010 09:09 PM PST

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Boston United in Football Manager 2011

Posted: 18 Dec 2010 11:26 PM PST

First of all I want to inform you that FM Crowd will be back tomorrow. I succeeded to move it to the separate server. So be prepared to continue blogging together Улыбка


And now it's time for the long Boston United post describing my squad management approach in the new club.  Boston squad is not the strongest in the league and has certain weaknesses shown in the screenshot below:

Boston United weaknesses

Assistant manager told me that midfield is the weakest area of our squad:

Report of assitant manager

Another report from the assistant manager doesn't inspire me much:

Boston United squad in Football Manager 2011

Media prediction of the 8th position prompted me that the squad needs some radical changes:

Media Prediction of the 8th position


My season target

I have no time for swinging in the league. This is one of the reasons why I claimed my intention to win promotion in the first year:

Season expectations, Boston United

Moreover as I remember from my last low league management experience (6-7 years ago) it's not complicated task that depends more on a squad strength than tactics.


Boston United wages

Wage budget is the most important thing when you start managing low league club. You have no transfer money, just some space to increase/decrease salaries. $6.8K given by board is rather good sum for the start:

Wage budget of Boston United

Here is the wages distribution among Boston United players:

Wages in Boston United


Radical squad changes

The first my action was a total revision and analysis of all players and staff member with their wages. I understood the most of them didn't correspond my requirements and their contracts should be terminated.

Players and staff members termination process

This is what I've done:

- Mutually terminated contracts with all staff members because of their quite high wages and low quality. Replaced them with new better coaches, physio and scout.

- Released on free many poor players from the main squad.

- Tried to set on transfer few players with high wages. Didn't manage to sell at least one of them – released on free as well.

- All U18 players have been released on free. They were "small salary eaters" Подмигивающая рожица  Each of them intended to take $45 every week from wage budget.

I will not even post a screenshot of released players here because it's not interesting for you. Just want to say that 30+ players were released on free.

Players in

Here is the list of new Boston United players:

 New Boston United players

These guys will form the first squad of the team.

Now I want you to look at the TOP 5 Boston singings.

#1. Lilian Laslandes

Lilian Laslandes in Football Manager 2011

Gem, legendary French striker. Absolutely amazing for Blue Square North League level! He should became a top scorer in the league in spite of his quite low speed.


#2. Patrick Vaz

Patrick Vaz in Football Manager 2011

Another French guy whose speed and technique have to scare defence of any other team in the league.


#3. Francis Zenaba

Francis Zenaba in Football Manager 2011

Zenaba is a young Congolese midfielder with high determination and teamwork abilities. His estimated value became $80K just right after the signing.

By the way, the second English nationality is very important at this stage. Therefore some African players with it can be signed in such low level clubs as Boston United.


#4. Abdou Sall

Abdou Sall in Football Manager 2011

For instance, Abdou Sall. He has English nationality as well. This guy has to become a leader in our defence.


#5. Alexis Nicolas

Alexis Nicolas in Football Manager 2011

Alexis Nicolas from Cyprus will perform in the centre of the midfield in either DMC or MC position. He has many attributes that equal or higher than 10.


In the end I would like to ask you: How do you like these radical changes in the Boston squad?

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