VirtualR - Sim Racing News

VirtualR - Sim Racing News

Power & Glory 3.0 – Preview Video

Posted: 11 Dec 2010 01:34 AM PST

Back in March 2009, The GT Legends Workshop has released the latest version of their hugely popular Power & Glory mod for GTR2. Now, a new preview video has been released as the team is busy working on the 3.0 version of the mod, once again bringing extremely detailed historic racing cars to GTR2. Power & Glory [...]

F1 1991 LE 2.0 – Released

Posted: 11 Dec 2010 01:12 AM PST

Slimjim, TMF & EViL Group have released a new version of their F1 1991 League Edition mod for rFactor that was first released back in January 2009. Unlike F1-S-R’s Historical Edition of F1 1991, this one comes with equal physics for all cars made for league usage. Version 2.0 comes with a batch of improvements, all [...]

iRacing & rFactor Special Rebates

Posted: 11 Dec 2010 12:49 AM PST

Both Image Space Incorporated and iRacing  have launched special rebates for their simulations for those sim racers looking to get going with a new sim during the winter. ISI is now giving away a free copy of rFactor for everyone who purchases their very popular modding friendly title via Paypal until December 25th. The copy of [...]

F1 1990 – Dallara F189-190 Previews

Posted: 11 Dec 2010 12:35 AM PST

Back in July, Team SRM released their F1 1990 mod for rFactor, bringing the 1990 Formula One World Championship season to the simulation. The team isn’t quite done with their project yet as they´re working to complete the mod, adding the missing models to the initial package. Below are first previews of a new edition, showing [...]

Two Handy Simulation Tools – Released

Posted: 11 Dec 2010 12:27 AM PST

Below are two neat little tools for various simulations that deserve a mention as they  can make the day-to-day racing easier and more pleasant. Setup tweakers will find JJManeschijn’s Gear Ratio Calculator helpful, the tool opens GTR2 & rFactor gear ratio files for editing or creates new ones, the tool also allows to quickly determine driver [...]

Off-Road Drive – Plenty of Previews

Posted: 11 Dec 2010 12:11 AM PST

1C Company has released lots of new preview shots of their upcoming Off-Road Drive title, showing us various off-road vehicles and the scenery in full detail. The title is powered not by a typical engine used for racing games but by Epic Games' popular Unreal 3 engine that is mostly used for first-person shooters but seems [...]

Forza Motorsport 3 – Community Choice Classic DLC Coming

Posted: 11 Dec 2010 12:07 AM PST

Back in January, Turn 10 and popular car blog Jalopnik asked Forza Motorsport 3 players which of their favorite historical cars should make it into the Xbox 360 racing title. Players could pick from a pool of over 120 cars, the vote determined ten cars that will become available to Forza Motorsport 3 players next Tuesday. The [...]

netKar Pro – Shelby Daytona Coupe Preview Video

Posted: 10 Dec 2010 11:56 PM PST

The guys over at Kunos Simulazioni have released a lot of very interesting previews as of late as many interesting additions are coming up to their netKar Pro simulation this Christmas. We´ve already seen the new rain engine at work alongside the new Trento Bondone hill climb track and the Osella hill climb prototype. Below is [...]

5.5 Million Copies of Gran Turismo 5 Sold

Posted: 10 Dec 2010 11:50 PM PST

Sony has announced that over 5.5 million copies of Gran Turismo 5 have been sold as of December 6th, that means that more than 60% of the initial 9 million copies have been sold in less thantwo weeks. 423.000 copies have been sold per day, as expected Gran Turismo 5 has outsold both Gran Turismo 5 [...]
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