The True Football Manager

The True Football Manager

Best FM Crowd blogs review

Posted: 18 Jan 2011 10:43 PM PST

FM Crowd top blogs rankingFM Crowd most active blogs ranking

Dear friends,

today I would like to make some kind of short review of the best FM Crowd blogs. Football Manager Crowd community exists a bit more than 1 month. It's a very young project comparing to other FM sites. Anyway the start was really successful:

446 blogs registered, 1646 posts made

Surely all these blogs are not of the high standard. Some of them are even empty at all… Though here are several blogs I would give the awards "Best Blogs of the 1st project's month".


Currently managing: Millwall

Most Active Blogs rank: 1

Top Blogs rank: 2

FMCrazy blog at FM Crowd

The most active blog of FM Crowd! I am really proud – the author is really dedicated and managed to write 102 posts. I can only dream of such amount of leisure time. Previous Dover story and current Millwall story are described in details very well.

Moreover, I would single out decent player lists of FMCrazy:

      - Free Players

      - Wonderkids and Young Talents


Manager: Bear

Currently managing: Tottenham

Most Active Blogs rank: below top 10

Top Blogs rank: 5

Manager: Bear blog at FM Crowd

The smart blogger. He writes very interesting posts allowing to understand and learn something new about Football Manager 2011. I am excited by his desire to help the FM Crowd blogger – vikingmarius – in this post:

        - Helping out vikingmarius

I think Bear invented new type of posts!


Gasper, the manager

Currently managing: Olympique Lyonnais

Most Active Blogs rank: 4

Top Blogs rank: 7

Gasper blog at FM Crowd

Currently managing Lyonnais (2016/2017). Nice blog with 60 posts already! I like his prediction post regarding Champions League results most of all:

           - European Championship Cup analysis



Currently managing: Blyth

Most Active Blogs rank: 10

Top Blogs rank: 3

Timbo blog at FM Crowd

I would say Timbo is the one of the most inspired FM Crowd authors. He writes almost every day. His posts are long and really interesting to read. Therefore Timbo managed to win 4 or 5 FM Crowd Blog of the Day Awards in row!

If you like well described low league management stories, just follow Timbo and his experiences with Blyth Spartans.


Footy Manager Mad

Currently managing: Sunderland

Most Active Blogs rank: 5

Top Blogs rank: 6

Footy Manager Mad at FM Crowd

The guy has been managing Sunderland, won several trophies and resigned. Now he is concentrated on management of English nation team. It's so unusually! Though I believe soon he will sign a contract with new club. Nice blog!


That's enough for now. Hope you will like these FM Crowd blogs!

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