The True Football Manager

The True Football Manager

Poll results: The best FM site

Posted: 05 Jun 2011 10:06 PM PDT

Poll results: The best FM site

Dear readers, first of all I want to thank you very much for taking participation in the poll!

True Football Manager became the best FM site in this voting. Though I can't say the poll was objective because it had been held only at my both blogs: True Football Manager and True Football Manager + at FM Crowd.

So as for me FM-Base can be considered as poll winner. This FM community has got much more votes than other competitors. By the way, I am really wondered by low amount of votes given to FM Scout and Football Manager Stories. I expected they would compete for the title of the best FM site…

Additionally, voters were able to make custom votes entering favourite site name. Here are the results:

2 votes

Neoseeker football manager 2011 forums

The Away Stand

FM Pundit

The Dugout

1 vote

Fm graphics  

FM Addicted

FM Norge

world cup teams


Aid The Boss

FM site

Football Manager Community  

pie is good

FM Greece  

FManager Brasil   



Questions I want to ask you

So how do you like the results of the poll?

What kind of poll would you like to see as a next one in my blog? Any idea or even concrete topic?

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