VirtualR - Sim Racing News

VirtualR - Sim Racing News

Hockenheim 1988 1.0 – Released

Posted: 03 Jun 2011 12:28 PM PDT

Carrera.4 has released a new track in his long line of 1988 Formula One season tracks for rFactor as a historical version of the German Hockenheimring is now available. As usual, the track is richly detailed with adboards from the late 80s, making this track the perfect choice not just for F1 1988 for rFactor but [...]

Potrero de los Funes Circuit 1.1 – Released

Posted: 03 Jun 2011 12:00 PM PDT

Taz has released a new version of his recently-released Potrero de los Funes track for rFactor, improving the detailed circuit in several ways. Version 1.1 has gotten a major performance improvement, resulting in much higher FPS, improved track surface and more. The track is located outside of the Argentinian city of San Luis, the 6.2 kilometer layout [...]

F1 2011 – First Ever Previews

Posted: 03 Jun 2011 04:29 AM PDT

Ahead of the start of the upcoming E3 Entertainment Expo, Codemasters have released first previews of their upcoming F1 2011 title that is due to be released this fall. The five preview show several cars from the 2011 Formula One season on track, including a shot of the wet weather mode that was one of the [...]
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