VirtualR - Sim Racing News

VirtualR - Sim Racing News

Simbin is Hiring!

Posted: 09 Jun 2011 04:11 PM PDT

Sweden-based simulation studio Simbin is currently on the lookout to find new staff to work on the major projects that are currently in progress. The studio is looking to fill several positions as listed below, all of these openings are a located at their Lidköping office in Sweden. - IT MANAGER - GAME PRODUCER / PROJECT MANAGER - WEB [...]

Forza Motorsport 4 – Two New Videos

Posted: 09 Jun 2011 03:52 PM PDT has released a very interesting preview video of Turn 10’s Forza Motorsport 4 title as game director Dan Greenwalt shows off some of the title’s new features in an extensive presentation. The video shows off the Kinect-powered showroom, a massively overhauled menu interface, some of the new multiplayer features as well as plenty of in-game [...]

iRacing Video Contest 2011 – Vote Now

Posted: 09 Jun 2011 03:30 PM PDT

iRacing is currently running the annual edition of their community video contest, allowing talented subscribers to earn iRacing credits by putting together stunning videos made with footage from the simulation. Plenty of users have submitted videos and iRacing has picked the final entries that can now be voted on by the public. The winner of the [...]

Thrustmaster T500 RS – First Shifter Photo Released

Posted: 09 Jun 2011 03:24 PM PDT

Earlier this year, Thrustmaster successfully launched their high-end T500 RS steering wheel, creating what many consider to be the new benchmark steering wheel for sim racers. Despite coming with lots of impressive features such as 1080 degrees steering, double belt-drive Force Feedback and an invertible pedal set, the wheel missed a shifter as the unit ships [...]
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