The True Football Manager

The True Football Manager

Boston story is over

Posted: 07 Oct 2011 09:21 AM PDT

Today I am finishing the Boston story. Although there's going to be one more post about Boston United with a link on uploaded save file and some story totals. But now I want to tell you about the last results of my FM 11 club.

Last fixtures

It was really cool ending because of 2 reasons:

- Zero amount of losses

- FA Cup won!

Yes, victory in FA Cup became our first big trophy in the game. But what an irony! The FA Cup victory against Manchester United is my last match in FM 2011…

I have already written much about the final here:

- Before the Final

- After the Final (video included)

Premier League final table. Season 10

PL final table

I can also boast current Premier League result. 60 points were taken during the whole season. Such efficiency provided the strong 7th position after all what makes me happy.

Again it was a pleasure to beat Manchester United in the FA Cup final because they have been totally dominating since the very season beginning.


Boston players

Boston players

Among the best Boston players I can enumerate following names:

- Robson

- Yannick Oudot

- Esteban Stivan

- Silva

- Danilo

- David Abbott

But MVP is wonderkid Robson again!



His stats


This is how my Boston story came to an end… Hope some of you will continue managing Boston United at least till you'll get Football Manager 2012. I would love to know what you would do if you were me!

I will lay out the save file on this weekend.

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