The True Football Manager

The True Football Manager

Top 15 new features of Football Manager 2012

Posted: 13 Oct 2011 10:36 PM PDT

I am very excited by Football Manager 2012 and its new features. This is the reason why I decided to make this kind of post - a mixed review and ranking of the features.


1. Team Report: Team Depth

Most of all I was impressed by Team Report and its parts actually. So don't get wondered much seeing it on the first positions. Remade team report gives much information as for me. The first look allows to evaluate the most strong positions and decide what formations won't be efficient with the players you have.

For instance, now you see that Arsenal has only one good DMC Alex Song. So it wouldn't be smart to use DMC in the formation if you don't buy another one.

Strength Overview

Team report in Football Manager 2012

Position Strength

Some impressions about Squad and Position strength can also be found on Celticman blog.

Position strength in Football Manager 2012


2. Team Report: Team Comparison

Comparing your team with other ones in a league is really interesting and helpful exercise.

Team Comparison in Football Manager 2012

Now you can really make sure that your team has the strongest squad following the team comparison tabs. Here we can see that Arsenal is still the most technical team in the Premier League.

Team comparison in FM 2012


3. Team Report: Tactic Analysis

This new feature is rather prospective in my opinion. I will investigate it more deeply during my future Q.P.R. story.

Tactic Analysis in Football Manager 2012


4. Team Report: Goal Analysis

The same can be said about Goal Analysis. Looks quite awesome but I should analyse if it will be helpful in real gaming.

Goal Analysis in Football Manager 2012


5. Adding/removing leagues

Perhaps I won't use this one because I play quite slowly and prefer to manage one team as much as possible. But I am sure many FM gamers will enjoy adding new leagues and managing clubs from them. Another advantage is that you can remove a league to speed up Football Manager 2012 after several seasons played.

Adding and removing leagues in FM 2012


6. Improved player search

Player search became more convenient and it's very important. Pay special attention to "Pick Attributes" button which allows to manage attribute filters faster than normally.

Player search in Football Manager 2012


7. New look of player profile

I love the new look. It seems more helpful than classic "Attributes+Stats" tab. Certainly I will use this one.

Xavi in Football Manager 2012

But if you don't like the player profile view and prefer old one, it can be customized in General settings:

Default player section


8. Team meetings

Cool new team meetings! You will see immediate reaction from your players on any your phrases said to them.



9. Tones of player conversations

Tones were added in all talks. They look realistic and interesting. Can't wait to experiment with new player interaction system in Football Manager 2012.

Read also this article with tone system review. You may also watch video preview of conversation tones.



10. Skin colours setup

Finally! SI Games allowed us changing some skin colours just right in the game! I have been waiting this feature since the very first version of the game.

Skin colours in Football Manager 2012


11. League history and honours

The graph of league positions during the last 10 year is merely awesome. On the screen shot we can easily see how team (different Arsenal squads) of Arsene Wenger have been performing. Honors look like a good addition.

League history in Football Manager 2012[4]


12. Better player reports

They added ability comparison list which helps to compare player you have with a scouted one.

Player report in Football Manager 2012

Ability comparison list in FM 2012


13. Custom highlights

Football Manager 2011 presented a feature for goals uploading to YouTube. FM 2012 extended it. Now we have an opportunity to record custom short videos from matches and upload them to YouTube.

Custom highlights in FM 2012


14. Better match viewer

Some perceptible evolutional changes were made in 3D-match viewer. SI Games added 2 new camera angles, improved animation of players, referees, crowd… Better lighting, weather conditions, and stadiums.

Read also this article: Match engine review.


15. New transfer centre

It looks now more convenient than earlier. You may find in-depth review here: Contracts & Transfers.

New transfer centre in FM 2012



Simple and straight conclusion here. In my humble opinion Football Manager 2012 is absolutely awesome game!

Obviously I didn't mention all new FM 12 features here. So you can tell your impressions regarding "forgotten by me" features and game improvements in comments.

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