The True Football Manager

The True Football Manager

Q.P.R. story targets and principles

Posted: 23 Oct 2011 03:06 AM PDT

I have already started managing Queens Park Rangers. Working over initial tactics, some squad changes. Few friendlies have already been played. I am not in hurry now. Going to get more pleasure from playing Football Manager than ever!

Targets and expectations

After certain reflections I would like to name my ambitious targets as "Three-Four-Five-Six", by amount of seasons.

1. Get into Europa League in 3 seasons.

2. Get into Champions League in 4 seasons.

3. Win Premier League in 5 seasons.

4. Win Champions League in 6 seasons.

If I reach all the targets it would be great to retain a crown winning 3 Premier League titles in row. If that truly complicated dream comes true I will finish my Q.P.R. story and begin a new one!


Tactical and squad building principles

- Rigid philosophy. I should make a star team but not team of stars. Previous my tactics in Boston and Leeds stories were based on fluid philosophy.

- Almost all players in the first eleven should possess high values of Team Work, Work Rate and Determination. One of AMCs is allowed to have any values of those attributes. So I will try to sign hard-working and determined footballers.


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