The True Football Manager

The True Football Manager

FM Crowd free registration continued

Posted: 31 Dec 2010 02:39 AM PST


Perhaps you remember my first unlucky attempt to start It's great that everything works fine since the second attempt. We are blogging together for one and half of week there.

At first I was intending to make registration only by invitations. But the first month was announced as free for all who want to join the community. Due to the delay between the first unlucky start attempt and the real start of FM Crowd. I would like to continue free registration till the 10th of January.

FM Crowd can boast of the following statistics:

Football Manager Crowd statistics

So hurry up to join our community of the best Football Manager 2011 bloggers if you have no blog there yet!



In the end I want to wish you a Happy New Year, friends! Let's view some best goals of 2010 together! Улыбка




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